Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.......
These were the words that flooded my mind after leaving the oncologist office today.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
So today was the big day. I have been longing for its arrival for the past 7 months. Today was the day my Dr. said "No more chemo!!" I was overflowed with emotions and shock and just pure thankfulness. I am sitting here and feeling as if It is all a dream, asking myself and God if it is truly reality. I am overjoyed and giving all Glory to the Lord for using the Dr's and modern medicine as His means to do so. I don't know about all of you but I believe in miraculous healing. I believed months ago that it was possible for me to be healed without chemo but prayed for God to heal me in the way He would get the most Glory. For some reason God chose to allow me to walk the journey through chemo and all sorts of other not so lovely things. I have had free will in choosing how I would react to Gods choice of healing for me. I could have become angry and bitter and felt sorry for myself but what good would that have done? I also had the choice of remaining thankful for life and for every moment God gave me regardless of the circumstances. This was my choice and I don't at all say that in Pride because with out the Lord and His strength and His RIDICULOUS amount of peace I would not have been able to choose that. I fully believe it was by Gods grace alone that we have come to where we are!!!
I came upon these verses today (perfect timing......"Thank you Lord!")
John 9:1-3
1 As He passed by, He saw a man blind from birth. 2 And His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?” 3 Jesus answered, “It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
John 11:4
4 But when Jesus heard this, He said, “This sickness is not to end in death, but for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified by it."
These verses are how I feel about everything I have experienced and God giving me these verses today only confirms this for me even more. I knew that the Lord has had plans for all of this. I know that I may never see what has been fulfilled through my journey thus far but I am thankful to know that in some way God is and will use it for His purposes. I know that somewhere someone has or will be touched by my story and by my circumstances. I am so thankful to be a part of a bigger picture!!!
So I am just gonna go ahead and say this in Faith that FOREVER......."I AM CANCER FREE!!!!!!"
That just feels good! ;)
Dear friend and Family just keep praying in Faith that I am healed forever!!! I love you all so much and I am so thankful for all of your love, your prayers and tears shed on my behalf. God used you to make me feel loved in a way that I have never felt love before. Thank you for that and thank you for friendship!!! Thank you for supporting me in one of the most scary times of my entire life!! Looking back it all looks like a nightmare! Thank God for masking that all along and for giving me an "impossible" peace through it all that I was able to bear it in joy. I tell you my joy was real!!! I sometimes can't even believe the joy I had most of the time.
"rejoice ALWAYS....again I say rejoice".
Some good words from Paul the apostle. May we always be thankful in all circumstances!!! May I always be thankful in everything! Let us walk in grace TOGETHER through all the trials that come our way!!!! Love and blessings on all of you! Keep sending prayers of healing not just for me but for all that you come in contact with.
Let us pray for healing of the soul!!! We all need Jesus to heal the soul that we may have everlasting life!!!
I end in this.......
I want you to all ask your selves if you have allowed Jesus to heal your very own soul. Have you come to the knowledge that you were created by a loving God whose very own Son He gave for you on the cross. He did so to give you life and forgiveness of sin. We all need it!!!! Pray and ask God to show himself to you in a very real way. Some of you think its crazy even as you read this. You think you don't need anything for your life. You believe you live and you die and then its over. ITS NOT!!!!! Pray and ask God to reveal himself to you that you may believe and understand!!
Ask God to search you heart and reveal anything to you that He wants to tear away from your life so that He himself may take its place!!!!
I know some of you are still in awe about the peace I have had and I want you to know that You can have it too. It came from Jesus alone and He is the only way!!!!!
Lord, may we all surrender our lives to you daily!! May we give our lives up that you may live in us and for us!!! I pray for us all to experience the abundant life that you have for ALL of us!!! I pray that everyone who read this knows Jesus and if they don't that YOU WILL REVEAL yourself to them!!!!!!!
I ask that regardless of your personal beliefs that today on my behalf to give thanks to the Lord for all He has done for me and my family!!! He has heard our cries!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!! Blessings!!!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
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